What We Do

Though named Kamala at birth by a stranger, I grew up disconnected and disassociated from the name. Affectionately known by my community and friends as Kaye. It wasn't until the age of 40 that I learned to embrace the name I was given when born. Having survived countless challenges, a failed marriage at a very young age, and many bad decisions in life, I was looking for some kind of meaning and a purpose. This is when I discovered that my birth name is actually Sanskrit for “lotus,” a flower that rises from roots planted in mud. A symbol of resilience and adaptability, this flower has a close connection to the divine and the drive within. Inspired by the resilient nature of these flowers, The Lotus Flower Project Inc. was manifested. This project is near and dear to my heart because it not only represents myself it represents so many other women.

Now happily married and living in Jacksonville, Florida with my husband and 2 dogs, I myself am a testament of resilience. Committed to helping others reveal and unleash their inner power, my husband and I passionately serve the LGBTQ faith community as ministry partners. Prior to establishing The Lotus Flower Project Inc., I held the position of Executive Director at a non-denominational affirming ministry in Jacksonville, Florida where I oversaw the women's department. My willingness to listen and my ability to provide spiritual guidance are what allow me to better serve women and the LGBTQ community at large. My desire is that this organization teaches women to live a resilient life by providing hope, help and healing through programs and resources for all women because TOGETHER WE RISE!


"I'm Fighting For The Girls Who Never Thought They Could Win."

-Nicki Minaj (Kamala’s Favorite quote)